Treatment for Uterine Fibroids with Embolization (UFE)

Types of Fibroids Explained

types of fibroids

Learn more about the various types of fibroids that you may be affected by and how you can take one step closer to treating them.

My doctor told me that I have an 8cm long, 4cm tall, 6cm wide fibroid. He said that this growth is called a pudunculated stalk and is attached to the outer part of my uterus. What does this mean and is it normal?

There are 3 main types of fibroids that women often experience: Intramural, submucosal, and subserosal. Intramural fibroids are located in the wall of the uterus and are the most common type of fibroids. They cause the uterus to become enlarged, and can cause pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic or back pain, and pressure.

Submucosal fibroids are located inside the lining of the uterus and protrude inward. These cause heavy bleeding and heavy, prolonged periods.

Subserosal fibroids, however, are located outside of the lining of the uterus and protrude outward. They have less of an affect on your period, but may cause back pain or pressure. The subserosal fibroid can also grow on a stalk attached to the uterus, in which case it is called ‘pendunculated.’ The stalk may become twisted and can cause severe pelvic pain.

Each of these kinds of fibroids can cause bothersome symptoms, some more than others, and can be treated. If you feel that the symptoms that you are experiencing are bothersome or unbearable, it is suggested that you look into surgical or procedural options to treat your fibroids. Give us a call at 866-362-6463 to discuss your options and find out more about how uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) can help eradicate your fibroid-related symptoms.

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