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Fact or Fiction: Can Birth Control Cause Fibroids?

Birth Control Pills and Fibroids

Today, there are speculations and studies about what’s fact and what’s fiction concerning birth control pills and their affect on fibroids.  And the choice of treatment ranges from non-medical to major surgical procedures, depending on the severity of the condition. There are also several types of therapies using anti-inflammatory remedies to control the growth and pain levels of fibroids.

In recent years more information about fibroids has been discovered through medical research and breakthroughs helping to understand the truth behind the cause and effect of fibroids. Although we don’t know everything, we have learned fibroids are independent growths, which can multiply and vary in sizes.  Over eighty percent of women at some time during their lives develop fibroids and most share the known symptoms, while others go undetected without any problems.

The symptoms of fibroids vary in degrees of pain and inconveniences are mild to severe, accompanied by heavy bleeding or pressure to other organs located in body’s lower abdominal area.  The majority of fibroids are non-cancerous and those affecting one’s health can be treated without surgery, depending on a physician’s diagnosis of the patient’s condition. The cause of fibroids isn’t completely known, but there are links between hereditary, dietary and natural hormonal responses by the body itself.  Medical practitioners believe and research has recognized the increased levels of estrogen generated by the body preparing for pregnancy and preventative medicines like birth control have a correlation between the cause and effect of uterine fibroids.

Here’s some information based on the medical findings:


Medical research continues to study fibroids for the actual cause of development and growth contributors along with effective treatments.  There are two major components known for stimulating the growth of fibroids; estrogen and progesterone.  Birth control pills contain both of these elements causing the medical industry to take additional steps in studying the levels of estrogen and the potential rate of fibroid enlargement caused by a women’s use of prescribed birth control pills.

Over twenty years ago, the industry identified an effective non-invasive method of treating fibroids; reducing the size and the side effects dramatically.  This non-surgical procedure is called uterine fibroid embolization. It uses a direct approach of placing embolic agents into the uterus and the actual fibroid. The embolic agents block the flow of blood to the fibroids causing them to shrink and over 90 percent of the women selecting this option experience significant health improvements related to fibroid and the secondary symptoms.

More than twenty-five percent of women in childbearing years have one or more fibroids, but less than fifty percent of these women suffer from the symptoms, requiring some form of treatment.  Between the uterine fibroid embolization, hysterectomy studies and patient feedback uterine fibroid embolization works best at returning good health in most cases. Like all medical procedures, it’s a good idea to speak with an experience physician and perhaps a second opinion before undergoing any type of health procedure.

Women’s bodies are as different as the individual when it comes to the production of hormones with some females generating excessive amounts, while others find it necessary to use hormone replacement alternatives.  Today, birth control pills vary in the dose of estrogen or the combination of estrogen and progesterone.  Even with the lower dose of hormones, it’s a good idea for women taking birth control pills to visit the doctor routinely to ensure the potential threat of painful fibroids is monitored.  Current treatments show remarkable results with the capacity to control hormone levels throughout a women’s life, particularly during two phases when change is a natural progression within the body. The first is during pregnancy when these two hormones are generated in excess and anti-hormone medication can be used to control production and prevent or reduce the growth of uterine fibroids.  The second, as women enter menopause uterine fibroids start to diminish as the body stops producing estrogen and progesterone.


The industry knows what causes the growth of fibroids, but there is still some research being done as to the why these uterine tumors develop in the first place.  Many patients believe they have no choice but to live with the pain of fibroids.  It’s not true, there are solutions for the condition and treatment depends on the patient’s health, phase of life and the stage of severity.  Procedures like uterine fibroid embolization may require an overnight stay at the hospital with a much faster rate of recovery compared to surgery.  Uterine fibroid embolization is considered to be a minimal invasive procedure where surgery is considered an aggressive medical process for treatment.

Some patients believe self-treatment can prevent or eliminate fibroids, in some cases, medication can reduce the symptoms of fibroids, and taking over the counter drugs for slight pain may diminish the pain but it doesn’t heal or shrink the fibroid. The same with replacing dietary iron to prevent anemia from heavy blood loss, it may help temporarily, but doesn’t eliminate the problem.  Masking the issue or symptoms is not the best solution for treating this condition.

Another fallacy about fibroids is the serious casualties regarding pregnancies.  Most women have fibroids during this stage of life and go through the full term of the pregnancy without problems delivering healthy children.  In today’s healthcare, obstetricians are well trained and experienced in dealing with fibroid during pregnancy.

Finally, having fibroids does not increase the risk of developing a cancerous tumor.  It’s rare that fibroid tumors are cancerous and as of today, the majority of fibroids are benign.  Fibroids do not increase a woman’s chance of getting other forms of uterine cancer.  There are situations where fibroids may enlarge causing the stomach area to look bloated or cause pain because of the pressure placed on the bladder.  If this occurs, it is recommended to get an examination by a professional doctor specializing in this form of uterine growth.


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