Treatment for Uterine Fibroids with Embolization (UFE)

How to Know if You Have Fibroids

Do You Have Uterine Fibroids?

Fibroids are non-cancerous growths in the uterus, and are more common than one would think.  For example, many people do not know that fibroids frequently occur in women during their child-bearing years, and some studies suggest that between 20 and 80 percent of women will get fibroids in their lifetime. The chances of developing fibroids grow for women up to approximately 40 years of age, and then diminish for post-menopausal women.

The big question is, how can you know for sure if you have fibroids?

Symptoms of Fibroids

It is interesting to note that some women with fibroids experience no symptoms whatsoever, while others suffer with mild to extremely painful symptoms. Some of the variety of symptoms that a woman might experience can include.

Symptoms of Fibroids


A fibroid can make menstrual cycle bleeding be much heavier and painful.  This bleeding is called menorrhagia. Sometimes this blood flow can be so intense that it can cause severe anemia which can cause tiredness, weakness or other problems much worse.

Bladder Pressure

Experiencing pressure during urination can be another symptom of fibroids. There may be a feeling of a persistent need to urinate, having the feeling that the bladder is always full no matter how many trips one makes to the bathroom. There can also be the opposite, feeling the need to urinate and not being able to. There is usually pain or pressure in the bladder most of the time.


Depending of the location of the fibroid it can place pressure on the rectum and cause constipation or pain when trying to defecate.

Back Pain

Depending on the exact position of the fibroid there may be some severe pain in the pelvis area. It can cause moderate to severe back and sciatic pain that runs down the leg because of the position and exactly what it is pressing against.

Sexual Discomfort

A fibroid can make sexual intercourse moderately to extremely painful depending on where it is located inside the uterus.  Sexual relations can be agonizing, causing problems for both partners during intercourse.

Trouble Conceiving

Depending of the location of a fibroid, trying to conceive could be difficult but not impossible. The presence of a fibroid can cause conception or other complications including a higher rate of having a cesarean section during childbirth.

Abdominal Bloating

Many times as the fibroid grows there can be a drastic change in the size of the abdomen as the fibroid makes space for itself however it can. The enlarging of the abdomen can cause pain and discomfort as the fibroid grows and fights for space inside the gut.

What to Do if You are Suffering from Fibroids Symptoms

If you are having any of these symptoms it is important to discuss it with your doctor. The doctor will give a pelvic examination, and if there is anything abnormal detected you will be advised the size and recommendations on how to proceed. You may be sent for an ultrasound, CT scan, Magnetic Resonance Imagining (MRI) or some other imaging tests of the abdomen.  A test could be done either externally or internally so the doctor can get a better picture of what’s going on with your insides.

Remember, there is only one sure way to find out if you do have fibroids and that is to see your doctor and have a check-up. He or she will be able to recommend the appropriate fibroid treatment, such as embolization.

If you are local to Beverly Hills, CA, and would like more fibroids information and information about Fibroid Embolization, click here.

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