Treatment for Uterine Fibroids with Embolization (UFE)

What to Look for With Fibroid Symptoms

Fibroid tumors are a very serious issue in the body; however, some women are unaware of the exact symptoms that signal a problem. Below are a few of the fibroid symptoms that may indicate a tumor or some other problem that is in need of immediate medical attention.

Fibroid Signs

Pressure or Pain in the Pelvic Area

Depending on the normal symptoms of a woman’s period, she may ignore pressure or pain in the pelvic area as a symptom of a fibroid tumor as well. However, pelvic pain that is caused by a fibroid tumor will be more painful than normal and quite persistent. The pain will also spread to the lower abdominal area. Swelling and weight gain can accompany this pain. In some cases, the swelling may actually be interpreted as a pregnancy.

Pain in the pelvis occurs when a fibroid tumor is in certain locations around the body. Depending on where the tumor is located, endometriosis and adenomyosis can form in the body. It is always best to have a trusted, reputable medical professional check out persistent pains in the pelvis immediately.

Excessive Menstrual Bleeding

Menstrual bleeding that exceeds normal output is actually a common symptom of fibroid tumors. However, some women ignore it either out of fear or ignorance of fibroids information. Excessive menstrual bleeding must be handled immediately, as there are other symptoms that may begin as a direct result of the abnormal bleeding.

Women who experienced longer monthly periods than normal should look into whether the extended period is caused by a fibroid tumor. Passing clots during menstrual bleeding is also an indication that something might be wrong. No matter what, the symptoms will definitely interfere with the day-to-day lifestyle of a woman and may actually lead to anemia and fatigue from the lowered red blood cell count that it causes.

Loss of Bladder Control

A loss of bladder function, also known as urinary incontinence, is another telling symptom of the fibroid tumor. Because the growth of the fibroid tumor affects the bladder most commonly, it is also the organ that will fly out of control. A woman with a fibroid tumor may experience a complete loss of bladder control and the sensation that she has to attend the bathroom much more frequently than normal.

The loss of bladder function during a fibroid tumor growth does not have to stop in the urinary tract. Some women may experience increased pressure in the bowels. With this kind of placement of the fibroid tumor, a woman would experience symptoms such as bloating and constipation. The symptoms will be more prevalent than a simple disagreement with dinner one night – they will likely occur on a regular basis.

Other Fibroid Signs To Watch

Although the three types of symptoms above are the most prevalent and serious of a fibroid tumor, there are other symptoms that women should look out for. One of the most commonly overlooked symptoms is pain in the back of the legs. This pain can also be accompanied by pain during sexual intercourse. A woman with a fibroid tumor growth may experience anemia or enlarged abdomen as well.

In some cases, the body will showcase none of the symptoms above even with a growing fibroid tumor. For this reason, it is incredibly important for women to maintain a consistent relationship with a reputable medical professional to stave off any conditions that may not show themselves until later.

Tired of dealing with fibroids? Call us and ask about fibroid embolization.

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