Dr. Omid Jafari M.D.

Photo of Doctor Omid

Dr. Omid Jafari, graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of California Riverside (Bachelors of Science – Biomedical Engineering) and attended University of California Los Angeles School of Medicine. While in medical school at the University of California Los Angeles, Dr. Jafari received the American Federation for Medical Research Award for his research on access to medicine and pain care. During his radiology residency at University of Southern California, Dr. Jafari published several research presentations on MRI imaging and cardiac imaging. Following that he received training as a fellow in Neuroradiology at the University of Southern California, where he was awarded Fellow of the Year for his teaching and excellence.

Dr. Jafari published several articles on sarcomas and cancer post training. He has a wide range of expertise with emphasis on MRI is currently a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California Los Angeles.

Keywords: fibroid expert

Success Story

Fibroids at 26 is bad. Your doctor insisting on major surgery is even worse. Jessica’s Testimonial

"Especially when that surgery willl keep you off your feet and out of work for months. Jessica needed a better solution. Fibroid Treatment Collective helps women treat their fibroids."

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