Embolization Helped Reclaim My Life

“Having fibroids was extremely uncomfortable. I was on my feet all the time, retained water, had lower back problems, bloating and cramping. After a failed myomectomy, I got proactive. I found Dr. Bruce McLucas online and had a consultation and discovered I was a candidate for uterine embolization. Today, I feel happy, I feel confident and I’m fibroid free.” – Kristian

After a myomectomy and surgery complications, Kristian’s fibroids returned. She had a non-surgical treatment called Uterine Fibroid Embolization and was able to reclaim her life.


Embolization Helped Reclaim My Life

Success Story

Terry solved a fibroid problem. And started a family.

"My goal is not only to take care of this pain and suffering, my goal is to number one be healthy and number two I want to be able to be a mother."

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Facing a hysterectomy or other surgery?
Find out if embolization is right for you!
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