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Your Sex Life and Fibroids

Sex Life and Fibroids

A uterine fibroid (recognized medically as a leiomyoma or myoma) is a noncancerous growth of smooth muscle and connective tissue. Fibroids originate from the thick wall of the uterus and are categorized by where they grow.

Uterine fibroids are very common in women, with as many as 75% experiencing them at some period in their lives, often undiagnosed and unknown. Symptoms of having fibroids can be but not limited to pelvic pain or pressure, pain in the back of the legs, pressure on the bladder, lower back pain, and an abnormally enlarged abdomen. With all of these problems comes the question, “Will fibroids affect my sex life?”  The answer is that due to uncomfortable fibroid symptoms, there could be pain during intercourse. However, if treated correctly, you can still maintain a good sex life.


These symptoms that come with the onset of fibroids may hinder an active sex life or make it less than pleasant.

Heavy Bleeding

Severe bleeding or being on your period for more than one week can make intercourse difficult or even impossible.

Pelvic Pain

Extreme pain in the lower abdominal wall or in the pelvic region can also cause intercourse to be painful.

Abdominal Bloating

Depending on the size of the actual fibroid, the abdomen can become extremely distended. Some fibroids are mistaken for pregnancy. These fibroids may cause extreme pain during intercourse.

Urinary Problems

Uncontrollable urination and having to urinate frequently can cause problems during sex.

Intercourse has the chance to become uncomfortable and more likely painful depending on where the fibroid is and the actual size of the fibroids. Extreme tumors can put pressure on the walls of the uterus, or abdomen, causing pain. Also, if a fibroid were to form close to the cervix, near the end of the vaginal tract, intercourse can be very uncomfortable.

Another unfortunate side effect is that fibroids may cause the loss of libido. No surprise, the desire to have sex can be negligible when it becomes too painful and may not be worth the effort.



Complete removal of the uterus. After surgery, many women report engaging in better and more meaningful sex than before. Undoubtedly, this is due to the absence of pain and bleeding that had been occurring.


Removing the fibroid, but not the entire organ. If you were to have this procedure it is recommended not to have intercourse for six weeks after.

Uterine Fibroid Embolization

This minor procedure involves blocking the blood flow to the fibroid. The recovery time may be from 7 to 10 days until you can resume a normal sex life.

If you need to speak with a doctor about fibroids or just have questions, please call the Fibroid Treatment Center at 866-479-1523. They are here to help.

Fibroids and Weight Gain Summary

A uterine fibroid (recognized medically as a leiomyoma or myoma ) is a noncancerous growth of smooth muscle and connective tissue. Fibroids originate from the thick wall of the uterus and are categorized by where they grow.

gain weight

Uterine Fibroids Symptoms

Uterine Fibroids are very common in women, with as many as 75% experiencing them at some period in their lives, often undiagnosed and unknown.1  Uterine fibroids symptoms can be but not limited to pelvic pain or pressure, pain in the back of the legs, pressure on the bladder, lower back pain, and an abnormally enlarged abdomen. Lastly, one the different symptoms of uterine fibroids is unexplained weight gain.  Fibroid growths can range in size, from as small as a pinhead to larger than a melon. The larger the fibroid, the more weight it contains. Fibroids have been reported weighing more than 20 pounds.


One factor in the relationship between fibroids and weight gain is that fibroids are recognized in causing heavy bleeding and/or irregular periods with extended menstrual cycles. These symptoms can lead to anemia and exhaustion due to the loss of iron contained in the blood. The greater the blood loss, the greater the iron depletion, the sooner fatigue follows. Women who have fibroids may possibly experience anxiety or discomfort because of this condition. Combining anxiety with overall fatigue leads the female to be more likely in turning to comfort food, while avoiding exercise. The increased calories from the comfort foods added to the lack of exercise will eventually lead to weight gain.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

There is also research indicating women with a higher body mass index (BMI) are more likely to gain weight due to fibroids than women with lower BMI’s. A 2005 study conducted by Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia indicated that for every 1 point increase on a women’s BMI index caused a uterine size increase of 8g in weight. A suggested reason for the link between the BMI index and size of the uterine fibroid is body fat and estrogen levels. The greater the body fat ratio, the greater the estrogen levels.  Restoring a woman’s hormone balance is a possible component of a fibroids treatment plan as well as adhering to a healthy exercise and eating plan for weight loss.2

When fibroids become enlarged, they may compress the surrounding organs, including the bowel. This can possibly lead to weight gain. It may also lead to constipation, resulting in slower bowel movements because of the distressed intestines.  Stool softeners are considered the best form of relief for this condition.

While contracting uterine fibroids is common for women, the possibility of weight gain is an unknown factor. As there are many prospective reasons for weight gain while experiencing fibroids, the impetus must be finding the right physician to treat the growth.

If you feel that you might have uterine fibroids, consult with our expert doctors. Call toll free at (866) 479-1523 for a FREE phone consultation!

5 Facts About Birth Control Pills and Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that grow on or around the uterus. There are several different types of fibroids, such as subserosal, intramural, and submucosal. These different types are defined primarily by where they grow in the uterus. These can be very painful and can cause a variety of fibroid symptoms. Many women, however, don’t even know they have them. It is not known exactly what causes these tumors but most doctors believe they can be affected by estrogen and often develop and grow during pregnancy. There are also many questions surrounding the use of birth control pills when a woman has fibroids. The following are the top 5 facts you should know about the relationship between birth control pills and fibroids.

Birth Control Pills and Fibroids

Menstrual Flow Will Likely Decrease

Fibroids can increase the heaviness of the menstrual flow. Using birth control pills, however, normally decreases monthly flow. This happens because the estrogen in birth control pills can increase clotting in the blood and thus reduce the overall flow.

Cramping May Be Reduced

One of the primary side-effects of fibroids can be cramping. Cramps can range from mild to severe when a woman has fibroids. Birth control pills can help decrease the amount of prostagladins, which are chemicals that make the uterus contract. Fewer contractions throughout the uterus will reduce overall cramping.

Fibroids Can Increase in Size

In some cases fibroids can increase the heaviness of the menstrual flow. While taking birth control pills can reduce the heavy flow, they will not reduce the size of the fibroids. In fact, birth control pills may cause the fibroids to grow larger. Fibroids are very responsive to hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.

Low Dose Birth Control May Help

While certain types of birth control can cause uterine fibroids to grow larger, a low-dose may not cause this kind of growth. It is generally believed that most low-dose types of birth control do not produce enough estrogen to cause fibroids to grow.

Birth Control Can Help Prevent Fibroids

Those who already have fibroids and start taking birth control pills with higher doses of estrogen may experience increased growth of those fibroids. However, those who don’t already have uterine fibroids may have a smaller chance of developing them when taking birth control, especially pills that contain low-dose estrogen.

There are several treatment options available for those suffering from uterine fibroids. Fibroid embolization is a non-invasive treatment that has already provided relief for thousands of women. The medical professionals at the Fibroid Treatment Collective have vast experience and expertise in curing fibroids with minimally invasive treatment. For a free consultation contact the Fibroid Treatment Collective.

Uterine Fibroids vs. Endometriosis

Some women who may be suffering from pain in their pelvic areas may learn that the problem is either endometriosis or uterine fibroids.  Some of the symptoms for each of these conditions are similar or even the same, but there are differences. Both endometriosis and fibroids have a role in menstrual irregularity and pelvic pain. And both are leading causes for a hysterectomy. But they are very different conditions.

Uterine Fibroids vs. Endometriosis

What is Endometriosis?

The muscular walls of the uterus have a lining called the endometrium.  Every month the endometrium lining adds layers to itself in preparation for a fertilized egg.  When the egg is fertilized, the lining of the endometrium helps keep the egg nourished.

If fertilization does not happen, then some of the lining of the endometrium is shed with the unfertilized egg during the menstrual cycle.  If some of the endometrium, also referred to as the uterine lining, detaches itself rather than leaving the body during the menstrual cycle, it attaches itself to different organs not in the uterus.  These organs could include the fallopian tubes, bladder, large intestine, or even the lungs.  Each month these cells in the lining continue to swell and act like they would if they had remained in the uterus.

A woman’s body will recognize that the cells are not where they should be, so parts of the body will surround the blood with scar tissue.  Blood cysts are then formed on those organs causing various levels of pain or discomfort.

Common Symptoms of Endometriosis

  • Pain before menstrual cycles and during menstrual cycles
  • In some cases, infertility
  • Pain when urinating during their period
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Pain having bowel movements during their period.
  • Nausea, constipation, diarrhea

What Are Uterine Fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are solid tumors that, although usually non-cancerous, can still cause a great deal of pain in the uterus and the pelvic region.  These tumors can vary in size and shape, and they generally grow very slowly, but they do grow.  Some women have these fibroids but have no symptoms, while other women suffer from extreme discomfort if they have uterine fibroids.

Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

  • Pain and pressure in the pelvic region
  • Tumors, sometimes large can develop
  • Pain during their menstrual cycles
  • Infertility
  • Large tumors can cause constipation
  • Tumors can cause problems with urination which can lead to kidney issues
  • Periods last longer


The exact causes for these two conditions remains unknown, but many doctors believe that estrogen may be the main culprit.

Only a doctor can determine the presence of endometriosis or fibroids. Medical imaging and other tests are needed to confirm which (or both) conditions might be present. While symptoms may be similar, these are two distinct diseases. They require distinct and specific treatments. Remember, the sooner you identify the problem, the more likely you are to successfully handle it. Endometriosis and fibroids rarely solve themselves.

Questions concerning endometriosis or fibroid symptoms? We’re here to help. Click here to speak with us.

Common Questions About Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are benign growths that develop in the wall of the uterus. These growths affect roughly three out of four women, according to the Mayo Clinic. While these growths do not always cause symptoms, several treatment options are available for women who do experience discomfort or other complications. The following questions about fibroids are ones that are commonly asked.

Uterine Fibroids

What Causes Fibroids?

The underlying cause of fibroids isn’t known, but researchers believe that hormones and genetics might increase the risk of developing these growths. Women who are thought to be at higher risk include those with a family history of fibroids, those who begin menstruation early and those who consume a high amount of red meat. Hormones can also affect fibroid growth. The production of estrogen and progesterone can increase fibroid growth, while a decrease in these hormones can cause them to shrink.

Are Fibroids Dangerous?

Fibroids are mostly benign or non-cancerous. According to the Office on Women’s Health, the chance of having a cancerous fibroid is lower than one in 1,000 and the presence of benign fibroids does not lead to a higher risk of developing a cancerous fibroid. Fibroids usually don’t cause health issues, although they can cause pain in some cases or result in anemia from blood loss. For women who want to conceive, it’s important to note that fibroids can interfere with implantation in some cases. Women with fibroids who become pregnant might also have problems, such as a breech baby or preterm delivery.

What Are the Symptoms of Fibroids?

Uterine fibroids typically don’t cause any noticeable symptoms, but some women do experience one or more of the following:

  • Heavy bleeding during menstruation
  • Pain during menstruation
  • Enlarged lower abdomen
  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Pressure in the pelvis
  • Pain in the lower back or legs
  • Constipation or trouble emptying the bladder

The exact symptoms and the severity of these symptoms depends on where fibroids are located, how large they are, and how many are present. Fibroids inside the uterus’ inner cavity can cause menstruation problems and difficulty conceiving, while those outside of the uterus can cause bladder problems or lower back pain. Fibroids that develop inside the uterine wall can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding, as well as a feeling of pressure.

What Types of Fibroid Treatment Options Are There?

Uterine fibroids don’t necessarily require fibroid treatment. In many cases, women who are not experiencing symptoms take a “wait and see approach”. For those who are having pain or other symptoms, there are several treatment options available. Some of these include:


Medications such as gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists or a progestin-releasing intrauterine device help regulate hormones that affect fibroids. This can relieve symptoms, although they do not get rid of fibroids.

Uterine fibroid embolization

This minimally invasive procedure involves placing a catheter with embolic agents inside the arteries connected to the uterus. These agents block the flow of blood to fibroids, which causes them to shrink.


This procedure offers a permanent way to get rid of uterine fibroids, but it is considered major surgery. It is not intended for women who wish to conceive, and there are certain risks associated with it, such as excessive bleeding and infection.


Robotic or laparoscopic myomectomy is another minimally invasive option for removing fibroids while leaving the uterus in place. While this procedure can be done for women who wish to conceive, fibroids can end up coming back.

If you would like more fibroids information, including treatment options, please contact The Fibroid Treatment Collective.

How to Know if You Have Fibroids

Do You Have Uterine Fibroids?

Fibroids are non-cancerous growths in the uterus, and are more common than one would think.  For example, many people do not know that fibroids frequently occur in women during their child-bearing years, and some studies suggest that between 20 and 80 percent of women will get fibroids in their lifetime. The chances of developing fibroids grow for women up to approximately 40 years of age, and then diminish for post-menopausal women.

The big question is, how can you know for sure if you have fibroids?

Symptoms of Fibroids

It is interesting to note that some women with fibroids experience no symptoms whatsoever, while others suffer with mild to extremely painful symptoms. Some of the variety of symptoms that a woman might experience can include.

Symptoms of Fibroids


A fibroid can make menstrual cycle bleeding be much heavier and painful.  This bleeding is called menorrhagia. Sometimes this blood flow can be so intense that it can cause severe anemia which can cause tiredness, weakness or other problems much worse.

Bladder Pressure

Experiencing pressure during urination can be another symptom of fibroids. There may be a feeling of a persistent need to urinate, having the feeling that the bladder is always full no matter how many trips one makes to the bathroom. There can also be the opposite, feeling the need to urinate and not being able to. There is usually pain or pressure in the bladder most of the time.


Depending of the location of the fibroid it can place pressure on the rectum and cause constipation or pain when trying to defecate.

Back Pain

Depending on the exact position of the fibroid there may be some severe pain in the pelvis area. It can cause moderate to severe back and sciatic pain that runs down the leg because of the position and exactly what it is pressing against.

Sexual Discomfort

A fibroid can make sexual intercourse moderately to extremely painful depending on where it is located inside the uterus.  Sexual relations can be agonizing, causing problems for both partners during intercourse.

Trouble Conceiving

Depending of the location of a fibroid, trying to conceive could be difficult but not impossible. The presence of a fibroid can cause conception or other complications including a higher rate of having a cesarean section during childbirth.

Abdominal Bloating

Many times as the fibroid grows there can be a drastic change in the size of the abdomen as the fibroid makes space for itself however it can. The enlarging of the abdomen can cause pain and discomfort as the fibroid grows and fights for space inside the gut.

What to Do if You are Suffering from Fibroids Symptoms

If you are having any of these symptoms it is important to discuss it with your doctor. The doctor will give a pelvic examination, and if there is anything abnormal detected you will be advised the size and recommendations on how to proceed. You may be sent for an ultrasound, CT scan, Magnetic Resonance Imagining (MRI) or some other imaging tests of the abdomen.  A test could be done either externally or internally so the doctor can get a better picture of what’s going on with your insides.

Remember, there is only one sure way to find out if you do have fibroids and that is to see your doctor and have a check-up. He or she will be able to recommend the appropriate fibroid treatment, such as embolization.

If you are local to Beverly Hills, CA, and would like more fibroids information and information about Fibroid Embolization, click here.

Types of Fibroid Tumors – What Do Those Names Mean?

Whether you’ve been diagnosed with a Uterine Fibroid, or your doctor suspects you have one, no one likes to hear that word “tumor.” Its probably why doctors usually leave that word out when discussing the presence of a fibroid tumor. But, if you’ve heard fibroid or fibroid tumor, you’re probably searching the internet for more information. Following are common questions and supportive information on fibroids, and fibroid types, as well as their related symptoms. As with any health issue, your best step is to speak to your doctor to obtain more information, but being armed with questions before that discussion can make you feel more in control of your health.

Common Questions on Fibroid Tumors:

What is a fibroid tumor?

These tumors are muscular growths within the walls of the uterus (also referred to as the womb). The different names indicate how the fibroid is positioned, and that location determines how or if you’ll have symptoms.

Are fibroids cancerous?

Fibroids are almost always benign (meaning non-cancerous). There is a very small (1 in a 1,000) chance that a fibroid tumor is cancerous. When they are, they are referred to as leiomyosarcomaExisting non-cancerous fibroids do not become cancerous, and having fibroids does not increase your risk of cancer.

What are treatment options for fibroid tumors?

This is where your doctor is the most important resource for you. Treatment options depend on a number of factors:

  • Age
  • Plans for future pregnancy
  • Presence or absence of symptoms
  • Size of the tumor
  • How near you are to menopause

Three Primary Types of Fibroid Tumors

Fibroid Tumors

Intramural Uterine Fibroids

The most common type of fibroid, intramural uterine fibroids are located within the uterine wall. When they grow, they can result in the uterus becoming enlarged. Doctors frequently reference their size to the stages of pregnancy (# of months). Common symptoms of this type of fibroid tumor include:

  • Pain in the pelvic area
  • Heavier than normal menstrual bleeding
  • Lower back pain
  • A sensation of pressure

Fibroids always originate in the uterine wall, but often move, or migrate to other locations, which result in the following fibroid types:

Submucosal Uterine Fibroids

Submucosal fibroids, like Intramural fibroids, are located within the lining of the uterus, but protrude inward. They can result in:

  • Exceptionally heavy bleeding
  • Periods lasting a long time (7+ days or more)
  • Anemia (with associated exhaustion, weakness, rapid heart beat, dizziness, etc)

Subserosal Uterine Fibroids

These fibroid types are within the uterine lining, but protrude outward. They usually have less of an effect on your menstrual cycle, and may go unnoticed. But depending on location, and size, they can cause the following symptoms:

  • Back pain
  • Bladder pressure

Pendunculated Subserosal or Submucosal Uterine Fibroids

These fibroid tumors grow on a stalk. If you think of a stalk of broccoli, you’ll have a good idea of their appearance. The danger with this type of fibroid tumor is that the stalk, which is attached to the uterus,  can twist, which cuts off blood supply to the tumor itself and can cause severe pelvic pain.

Diagnosed with fibroids? Learn more about uterine fibroid embolization. Call (800) 311-5840 today!


The U.S. Government’s Office on Women’s Health site has a great amount of information and even a handy list of questions to ask your doctor if you’ve been diagnosed with a fibroid. Getting the information on fibroids you need, to make the right health decisions for you, is important. Talk to your doctor, and understand that uterine fibroids are common, and treatable. 

What to Know After a Fibroids Diagnosis

Uterine fibroids, for many women, are generally harmless, will shrink during menopause, and may also not show many symptoms. However, if you’ve been diagnosed with fibroids, it’s likely because you’ve experienced some of the symptoms of fibroids such as irregular or unusually heavy menstrual bleeding, pain or pressure in your pelvic region, or urinary problems. How you treat your fibroids can depend on the severity of the diagnosis as well as your doctor’s recommendations. Sometimes, your doctor may simply recommend watching and waiting with follow-up appointments to monitor the fibroid growth, as well as any additional symptoms.

Home Treatment for Fibroids

One of the most common symptoms of fibroids is painful menstrual periods, so treating this pain provides several options. These options are generally for aiding with milder cases of fibroids. More severe symptoms could require further fibroids treatment.

Home Treatment for Fibroids

OTC Medicine

Over-the-counter medicine such as Ibuprofen (a Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, or NSAID) could provide some relief to menstrual pain. Like with any medicine, follow dosage instructions on the package carefully and consult with a pharmacist or your doctor if you are on any prescriptions or have other medical conditions.

Heating Pad

Apply a heating pad or hot water bottle to your lower abdomen, or take a warm bath. The heat will increase blood flow and could improve pain in the pelvic, lower back, or abdominal region. When using a heating pad, be careful to not leave it on the affected area for an extended period of time, as you could risk burns or skin damage.

Elevate Legs

Elevating your legs over your heart, such as when lying down, can help circulation and ease the pain of menstrual cramping.

Change Tampons Frequently

If you use tampons, try temporarily changing to pads to avoid further irritation during your period.

Physical Activity

Physical activity can improve blood flow and will generally help reduce pain.

Surgical Treatment for Fibroids

Depending on the severity of your fibroids symptoms, your doctor may recommend a surgical option to remove or treat the fibroids. Depending on your age and life goals, these surgical options generally include a myomectomy (or fibroid removal), which is best recommended if you are still looking to have children. For women without plans to get pregnant in the future, a hysterectomy may also be a viable solution, which involves the surgical removal of the entire uterus. However, surgery may not be the only option, even if your doctor has made that diagnosis.

Non-Surgical Treatment: Embolization

Used since 1975, the medical procedure of artery embolization was discovered to shrink and treat fibroids without the need for invasive, costly, and risky surgery. Additionally, some patients have been able to treat their severe fibroids while also preserving their ability to get pregnant in the future through this method. However, this is a viable solution for any woman who is looking for an alternative to surgery. The procedure can generally take between 1-3 hours and after a mild period of bed rest, most patients are able to leave the hospital within the same day.

Consult with your doctor about all available options when it comes to your fibroids diagnosis and what the best next steps are. If you’re facing a surgical treatment recommendation, consult with the experts of the Fibroid Treatment Collective at to see if embolization may be a viable alternative in your case.

Ibuprofen photo by D Coetzee

What to Look for With Fibroid Symptoms

Fibroid tumors are a very serious issue in the body; however, some women are unaware of the exact symptoms that signal a problem. Below are a few of the fibroid symptoms that may indicate a tumor or some other problem that is in need of immediate medical attention.

Fibroid Signs

Pressure or Pain in the Pelvic Area

Depending on the normal symptoms of a woman’s period, she may ignore pressure or pain in the pelvic area as a symptom of a fibroid tumor as well. However, pelvic pain that is caused by a fibroid tumor will be more painful than normal and quite persistent. The pain will also spread to the lower abdominal area. Swelling and weight gain can accompany this pain. In some cases, the swelling may actually be interpreted as a pregnancy.

Pain in the pelvis occurs when a fibroid tumor is in certain locations around the body. Depending on where the tumor is located, endometriosis and adenomyosis can form in the body. It is always best to have a trusted, reputable medical professional check out persistent pains in the pelvis immediately.

Excessive Menstrual Bleeding

Menstrual bleeding that exceeds normal output is actually a common symptom of fibroid tumors. However, some women ignore it either out of fear or ignorance of fibroids information. Excessive menstrual bleeding must be handled immediately, as there are other symptoms that may begin as a direct result of the abnormal bleeding.

Women who experienced longer monthly periods than normal should look into whether the extended period is caused by a fibroid tumor. Passing clots during menstrual bleeding is also an indication that something might be wrong. No matter what, the symptoms will definitely interfere with the day-to-day lifestyle of a woman and may actually lead to anemia and fatigue from the lowered red blood cell count that it causes.

Loss of Bladder Control

A loss of bladder function, also known as urinary incontinence, is another telling symptom of the fibroid tumor. Because the growth of the fibroid tumor affects the bladder most commonly, it is also the organ that will fly out of control. A woman with a fibroid tumor may experience a complete loss of bladder control and the sensation that she has to attend the bathroom much more frequently than normal.

The loss of bladder function during a fibroid tumor growth does not have to stop in the urinary tract. Some women may experience increased pressure in the bowels. With this kind of placement of the fibroid tumor, a woman would experience symptoms such as bloating and constipation. The symptoms will be more prevalent than a simple disagreement with dinner one night – they will likely occur on a regular basis.

Other Fibroid Signs To Watch

Although the three types of symptoms above are the most prevalent and serious of a fibroid tumor, there are other symptoms that women should look out for. One of the most commonly overlooked symptoms is pain in the back of the legs. This pain can also be accompanied by pain during sexual intercourse. A woman with a fibroid tumor growth may experience anemia or enlarged abdomen as well.

In some cases, the body will showcase none of the symptoms above even with a growing fibroid tumor. For this reason, it is incredibly important for women to maintain a consistent relationship with a reputable medical professional to stave off any conditions that may not show themselves until later.

Tired of dealing with fibroids? Call us and ask about fibroid embolization.

Fibroid Embolization vs. Hysterectomy Surgery

Most women who have uterine fibroids experience no symptoms. But if you’re one of the unlucky women whose fibroids are causing painful and bothersome symptoms including heavy and painful menstrual periods and abdominal pain ranging from mild to severe, there is hope.

Fibroid Embolization

Today, there are many different ways to treat and/or cure the pain and suffering caused by uterine fibroids. Each of these procedures comes with its own benefits and risks.

After you are diagnosed with fibroids, deciding which treatment is the right one for you can be overwhelming. To a certain extent, your treatment options will be dictated by the severity of your symptoms, the size and placement of the fibroids in your uterus, and whether or not you are close to menopause. But, for the most part, the decision is yours to make. That’s why it’s important to know the pros and cons of each procedure and to learn the facts about the different treatment options so that when you and your doctor discuss the best way to proceed, you will be able to make an informed choice that you’ve taken the time to carefully deliberate in advance.

Although uterine fibroids are not cancerous and do not increase one’s risk of developing cancer, some of the available treatment options do involve the removal of fibroids via invasive surgery.

Two of the most common surgical treatment options are myomectomy and hysterectomy. In a myomectomy, the fibroids are removed but the healthy parts of the uterus are preserved. Myomectomy surgery is not a permanent or guaranteed cure for fibroids, as new fibroids can develop in the healthy uterine tissue that a myomectomy leaves intact.

In contrast to myomectomy, hysterectomy is a more invasive and complicated procedure. It is major surgery that requires significant recovery time. Hysterectomy surgery removes not only the uterine fibroids but also the uterus itself.

Although hysterectomy surgery is the only permanent and guaranteed treatment option for uterine fibroids, most women want to avoid removal of the uterus if at all possible. They may wish to avoid major surgery, or they may be troubled by the thought of living without a uterus, or they may want to have a child or have additional children in the future. For many women, especially those who wish to preserve their fertility, hysterectomy surgery is a treatment of last resort, something they are willing to consider only if all other uterine fibroid treatments are unsuccessful.

But invasive surgical procedures are not the only options for treating uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroid embolization is a nonsurgical cure for fiborids. It’s not yet as well known as the various uterine fibroid surgical options, but women who are in the process of considering how to proceed with their treatment need to be aware of what it is, what it can do for them, how it differs from hysterectomy surgery, and why it may be the best choice for them.

Fibroid embolization is a non-surgical and comparatively simple procedure that has helped many women by effectively treating the symptoms caused by the presence of fibroids.

Embolization and hysterectomy surgery are drastically different treatment options. Hysterectomy surgery can pose serious complications and risks and is a long procedure that requires general anesthetic, cutting of the skin, lengthy and costly hospital days, and long recovery times. In contrast, embolization, which involves shrinking the fibroids by reducing the blood supply they receive, takes only about a half an hour, requires no general anesthesia, is an out-patient treatment, has no detrimental effect on fertility, and provides immediate relief of the painful and bothersome symptoms caused by uterine fibroids.

All fibroid treatment options have benefits and risks, whether the treatment is an invasive surgical procedure that requires a long hospital stay and significant recovery time, or a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that is an alternative to hysterectomy surgery. Every woman must make the choice that is right for her. And, when weighing the option of hysterectomy surgery versus fibroid embolization, the benefits of embolization are clear. It’s a newer, faster, safer, and easier way to relieve the symptoms caused by uterine fibroids, and it does not disrupt one’s life in the way a hysterectomy procedure does.

Before you talk to your doctor about your treatment options, be sure that you know your choices and that you are ready to make an informed decision about which is best for you. If you’re like the many women who have successfully undergone the procedure in the past, you’ll likely end up choosing embolization, and you’ll be glad that you did.

Learn more about nonsurgical treatment for Uterine Fibroids. Call (866) 479-1523 today!

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