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Fibroid Treatment
A recent study from states: About 20 to 80 percent of woman develop fibroids by the time they reach age 50. The Fibroid Treatment Collective offers women a chance to treat fibroids without invasive surgeries or hysterectomies. Located in Beverly Hills, The Fibroid Treatment Collective has helped women across California and around the world become fibroid-free. And surgery-free.
Will Fibroid Embolization Work For Me?
Fibroid Embolization is a safe, minimally invasive procedure that shrinks fibroids instead of cutting them out. Our patients experience immediate relief from excessive bleeding and will see a significant reduction in the size of their fibroids following the procedure.
Fibroid Embolization is a minimally invasive procedure with very quick recovery time. Most women return to work in less than a week. Fibroid Embolization does not cut or scar the uterus like traditional surgeries. Fertility and the ability to bear children is not harmed. In fact, such a significant portion of our patient population has conceived and carried to term, that a medical paper has been written on the subject.
Share some of our patient success stories here.
At the Fibroid Treatment Collective, your entire treatment is handled, start to finish, by the same physician and medical team. This continuity of care offers patients a sense of security and familiarity so often missing in fibroid treatment. Our Founder, Dr. Bruce McLucas, personally introduced Fibroid Embolization to the United States in 1994 as an alternative to the overwhelming number of hysterectomies being used to address fibroid issues. As a pioneer and advocate of non-surgical fibroid intervention, Dr. McLucas is also one of the only OB/GYNs in the country qualified to perform UAE. His experience in fibroid treatment is truly exceptional. In fact, thousands of fibroid-free patients would say, incomparable.
Michelle’s experiences with non-invasive Uterine Fibroid Embolization Treatment
Michelle talks about her gynecologist’s initial diagnosis and how she appeared to look pregnant when she wasn’t. After she met Dr. Bruce McLucas, she did the treatment and was “a dream come true” for her. She spent the day after the procedure in bed, and was back at work 4 days later. Learn how you … Read more