Michelle ended fibroids. And her fear of early menopause.

Fibroid Embolization Saved Me From Early Menopause

“It (fibroids) affected my mood, my energy, I just couldn’t seem to have enough energy to do some of the things that I wanted to do with my children and my spouse.” – Michelle

Michelle suffered from heavy bleeding because of her fibroids. At one point, she even bled for 45 days straight. Other doctors told her a hysterectomy was her only choice, but she didn’t want to be forced into early menopause. That is when she found Dr. McLucas.

Michelle – Fibroid Embolization Saved Me From Early Menopause

Success Story

For 10 yrs. Diane was scared to see her gynecologist. A 30 minute Embolization made her fearless

"Diane thought her fibroids would disappear after menopause…They didn’t. A successful embolization at Fibroid Treatment Collective restored the life Diane should have been living."

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