diagnosing fibroids
Fibroid tumors affect as many as 50% of women. Some fibroid patients show no symptoms at all. These benign tumors frequently develop within the female reproductive system. While their cause is generally unknown, they often create painful and abnormally long menstrual cycles. How do you know if you have fibroids? Only a doctor can answer. ... Read more

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Can Fibroids Cause Weight Gain
Can fibroids cause weight gain? If you want the short answer: Absolutely! Uterine Fibroids are a non-cancerous overgrowth in muscles and tissues in the uterus. Some are small and go unnoticed by the person who has them. Others can weigh as many as 20 pounds. That is a lot of extra weight in the abdomen. And it can lead ... Read more

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Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids
Uterine fibroids cause a variety of uncomfortable and inconvenient symptoms in women that can get in the way of normal daily activities. With proper treatment, women can free themselves of fibroids and subsequent symptoms. While these uterine fibroid symptoms can range from mild to severe, even the mild ones can cause a disruption to a ... Read more

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Stock image of a pregnant woman checking her scan report
Many women put off treatment for fibroids because they don’t want to impede their ability to become pregnant in the future. While treatments for fibroids in the past had the potential for long-term effects on successful pregnancy, modern medical advances have made it possible to treat fibroids without causing a negative effect on a women’s ... Read more

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Fibroid treatment options
Fibroids are a common medical condition. By the age of 50, approximately 70 percent of women will have developed these tumors. Fibroids are benign and in early stages if the tumors are small in either size or number, many women do not experience any symptoms. However, fibroids can get worse over time with symptoms ranging from ... Read more

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Signs of Fibroids
Do you often feel sluggish or bloated? Are your periods heavy with a lot of cramping? Do you wonder if there is something wrong with you, even if you don’t feel “sick.”  These might be signs of fibroids.  Many women live with uterine fibroids, either not knowing that the condition is present or not seeking ... Read more

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Don’t Waste Any More Time to Remove Fibroids Fibroids are a very common condition for women in the United States. A recent study states, by the age of 50, 70 percent of women will have developed uterine fibroids at some point in their life. When fibroids develop in a woman’s uterus, they are non-cancerous and in ... Read more

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Emotional Stress Caused by Fibroids
Uterine fibroids are growths that develop just inside or outside of a woman’s uterus or womb. They are non-cancerous and develop from normal muscle tissue that starts growing abnormally to form a benign tumor. This very common condition affects many women after puberty and usually over the age of 30. Uterine fibroids may be small ... Read more

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Reduce fibroids pain through several fibroid treatment options
As any woman who has ever suffered from uterine fibroids can tell you, they can be extremely painful. In addition to symptoms like the need to urinate frequently, constipation, heavy menstrual bleeding, or prolonged menstrual periods, fibroids often cause pelvic pressure or pain, backaches, and leg pains. Sometimes this fibroid pain can become acute. Why ... Read more

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fibroid symptoms
Fibroids are abnormal growths on or in the uterus; the tumors can vary in size from the very small to some that are large enough to distend the uterus itself. Most fibroids are benign and non-cancerous; however they can result in several physical problems including severe pain, heavy blood flow and even complications with pregnancy ... Read more

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