Myomectomy failed. Embolization didn’t.
“Over fifteen years ago I had the traditional myomectomy surgery. My fibroids returned worse than ever resulting in extremely heavy periods, painful intercourse, and distended uterus. After much research, I decided on Dr. McLucas’ uterine embolization procedure. What a breeze! The procedure was over before I knew it; all I had was a tiny incision in the groin and some cramping (no worse than a bad period). I was up and around and eating a full Thanksgiving dinner by the second day! No more heavy periods, a normal uterus and sex is pain free. I couldn’t be happier with the results!”
Success Story
Fibroids at 26 is bad. Your doctor insisting on major surgery is even worse. Jessica’s Testimonial
"Especially when that surgery willl keep you off your feet and out of work for months. Jessica needed a better solution. Fibroid Treatment Collective helps women treat their fibroids."