After Fibroid Embolization, Lasonia was back to work in 4 days

After Fibroid Embolization, Lasonia was back to work in 4 days

Lasonia is a self-employed childcare provider, working long hours on her feet. After suffering with Fibroids for years, she discovered the Fibroid Treatment Collective and realized Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) was right for her lifestyle. After the treatment, she was back to work in four days and no longer felt burdened by her period. In response to UFE, Lasonia stated, “If there’s any way to keep what God has given you, then why not?”

Success Story

After Fibroid Embolization, Claudia Was Back to High Heels Within Days

"Claudia was preparing herself for a major surgery to treat fibroids when she heard about the Fibroid Treatment Collective. After reading patient testimonials and visiting Dr. McLucas in LA, she learned that she could preserve her fertility and avoid surgery. One week later, she was pain-free, fibroid-free, and back to wearing high heels."

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