Posts Tagged ‘ anemia ’

Can Fibroids Cause Anemia?

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Anemia occurs when the amount of blood the body loses is greater than its ability to replace lost blood cells. This condition is common for women who either experience heavy bleeding due to menstrual periods or have uterine fibroids. In many cases fibroids can be the cause of a heavier menstrual cycle and anemia. A type of fibroids known as submucosal fibroids (located within the uterine cavity); can enlarge the surface area of the endometrium (uterine lining) subsequently causing heavier periods. Fibroids can also contribute to disorders in hormone production, which causes contractions and relaxation of the muscles in the uterus, creating greater blood loss.

Fibroids and Anemia

For women who are suffering from fibroids and heavy menstrual bleeding, the loss of blood can also mean loss of hemoglobin, an iron-rich protein found in red blood cells. When iron begins to deplete from the blood, it can no longer carry oxygen. This is known as iron-deficiency anemia. This type of anemia often shows symptoms like shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness, headaches, chest pain, and weakness because the blood cannot supply enough oxygen to the body’s organs and tissues. If left untreated, this can lead to severe problems such as pregnancy complications, irregular heartbeats, heart murmur, an enlarged heart, or even heart failure.

Fibroid Treatment Through Embolization

Put an end to the dangers of anemia by addressing fibroid symptoms with the help of effective treatment options. Embolization as well as hysterectomy or a myomectomy can provide women with relief from fibroids and the symptoms associated with them.

Embolization is unique because unlike surgical options, it does not cut, remove, or scar any uterine tissue and has a 90%+ success rate for symptom relief. If you believe the cause of your anemia may be due to fibroids, learn more about fibroid treatment by contacting us today at 1(888) 296-9422.

How Fibroids Affect the Menstrual Cycle

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For the majority of a woman’s reproductive life, the regularity of her menstrual cycle is closely associated to her well-being, while an irregular menstruation can often be a sign of abnormal activity in the body. In some instances, Uterine Fibroids are the cause of these abnormalities. For more information on the types of fibroids and steps you can take towards effective fibroid treatment, contact the top fibroids specialist in Los Angeles, Dr. Bruce McLucas for a consultation.

The three types of fibroids: intramural, subserosal, and submucosal can produce different symptoms based on the size and location of the fibroids. Intramural and submucosal fibroids are usually the cause of heavy or abnormal bleeding during a menstrual cycle.

While the main reason for these symptoms are unknown, abnormal bleeding is believed to be caused by the way fibroids change the muscular contraction of the uterus which can prevent it from controlling the amount of bleeding during a cycle. Fibroids have also been shown to compress veins in the uterine wall, creating a dilation of the uterine lining. As the pressure increases in the veins, the lining of the uterus expands, and may result in abnormal bleeding. Heavy menstrual bleeding is usually caused by either intramural fibroids found deep within the wall of the uterus, or submucosal fibroids, found just under the inner lining of the uterus.

Heavy and abnormal bleeding not only increases clot formation, but can also prolong periods, lead to weakness, fatigue, painful cramps in the abdomen and back, and in some cases anemia. Women who have experienced heavy or difficult periods may often not consider fibroids a viable reason for the irregularity in their cycle. If you undergo any of these abnormal symptoms or suffer from overnight excessive flow, consistent bleeding through super tampons or maxi pads, consider making an appointment with your ob/gyn to see if fibroids may be the cause.

Fibroids Specialist in Los Angeles

If fibroids are the cause of your heavy or painful menstrual cycle, don’t delay in seeking effective treatment from a qualified fibroids specialist in Los Angeles. Uterine Fibroid Embolization is a non-surgical procedure especially suited for today’s active, and busy lifestyle. It’s also a great alternative treatment for younger women who may wish to have children because it protects fertility by not cutting, removing, or scarring any uterine tissue. For more information on how embolization can put an end to irregular menstruation, contact The Fibroid Treatment Collective at (866) 479-1523.

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