Embolization Helped Reclaim My Life

Success story explaining by patient Hope at Fibroid Treatment Collective

“Having fibroids was extremely uncomfortable. I was on my feet all the time, retained water, had lower back problems, bloating and cramping. After a failed myomectomy, I got proactive. I found Dr. Bruce McLucas online and had a consultation and discovered I was a candidate for uterine embolization. Today, I feel happy, I feel confident and I’m fibroid free.” – Kristian

After a myomectomy and surgery complications, Kristian’s fibroids returned. She had a non-surgical treatment called Uterine Fibroid Embolization and was able to reclaim her life.


Embolization Helped Reclaim My Life

Free of Fibroids

“I discovered that embolization would be the right treatment for me. Within a week I was back to work. Within 2 weeks, I was running again.” – Kathy

Kathy experienced heavy bleeding, a lot of pain and anemia due to her fibroids. Her doctor recommended a hysterectomy. She did some research online and found the Fibroid Treatment Collective.

“Free of Fibroids”

Saved My Life

“I can’t thank you enough for quite literally saving my life through the Uterine Fibroid Embolization procedure.

Since the procedure in February of this year, I have been free of the primary symptoms that led me to your office: heavy menstrual bleeding that lasted 2-3 weeks, severe back pain accompanying my menstrual cycles, embarrassing accidents during my cycle that limited my ability to be active, and pain and discomfort that affected my work, and outlook on life.

Indeed my health was on a downward spiral, after becoming anemic due to my fibroids and being hospitalized for blood transfusions 3 times in 7 years. By the time I reached your free seminar and spoke to you, I had an enlarged unsightly abdomen, my anemia had started to affect my heart health, and I was discouraged.

You and your staff were so incredible! Since my procedure, I feel so taken care of and so very grateful. I am deeply appreciative of all that you have done for me.

I can’t thank you enough for quite literally saving my life

Jill wanted a fast recovery. Embolization got her back to work in days.

Success story explaining by patient Jill at Fibroid Treatment Collective

Be Fibroid Free with Fibroid Treatment Collective

“ I was thrilled to find an option other than major surgery to solve my problems with fibroids. Better yet was the fact that my recovery was days, not weeks. I missed only one day of work and was swimming even before returning to work.” –Jill

Pain, excessive bleeding and a fibroid as large as a 5 month pregnancy had Jill hiding out in her house every month. Then, a Fibroid Treatment Collective radio spot about fibroid embolization pointed her in the direction of real help and better health.

Be Fibroid Free with The Fibroid Treatment Collective

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